References and Publications
Navigating the Digital Age - The Definitive Cybersecurity Guide for Directors and Officers

A well-done book on cybersecurity for C-level executives, boards and decision-makers in companies, government agencies and other organizations. My topic was the lead provider from a security perspective. 16 great chapters by 16 great authors on 16 different topics. Succeded! The book is free and you can download it here:
YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE BOOK HERERole and authorization concepts (identity management) 2nd edition

This book offers a holistic presentation of role-based access concepts. The authors thus address the integrative IT trends in companies that require new concepts for authorization and authentication, such as: B. Single Point of Administration. Based on the existing situation in companies and the historical derivation, an overview of the authorization problem is given. The authors present practical and manageable technologies and provide conceptual and generic technological solutions and evaluate them. A book for everyone who deals with authorization procedures and access management professionally or during their studies. Published in 2018 and already sold 66,000 copies.
YOU CAN BUY THE BOOK HEREEconomical Espionage through data gathering

SWIFT bank data crawl, flight passenger data and much more. Huge amounts of data have to be transmitted from Europe to other countries, above all to the USA. As this book shows, detailed insights into the economic activities of companies can be extracted from this. Findings that are of particular interest to technologically highly developed countries and their companies and are tapped by them. The danger of competition and economic espionage is evident. Many European companies are not or only insufficiently aware of these new dangers. Alexander Tsolkas and Friedrich Wimmer use examples to explain which information can be extracted from the data collected in the economic cycle, how companies assess their own risk situation - and what measures they can take to reduce the risk.
YOU CAN BUY THE BOOK HERERole and authorization concepts (identity management)

The integrative trends that have been emerging in companies for years regarding IT, e.g. B. Singe Point of Administration, require new concepts for authorization and authentication. This book offers a holistic presentation of role-based access concepts. Based on the existing situation in companies and the historical derivation, an overview of the authorization problem is given. The authors present practical and manageable concepts and provide conceptual and generic technological solutions and evaluate them. A book for everyone who deals with authorization procedures and access management professionally or during their studies. The first edition has been sold 12.000 times.
YOU CAN BUY THE BOOK HEREVirtual organizations in the age of e-business and e-government

The use of information technology in companies and public administrations has led to some serious changes in these organizations. This book provides an overview of these developments and an outlook on future trends on the path to virtual organization. Technologies, organizational forms, value chains and legal and tax aspects for virtual organizations are presented and discussed. The book also offers practical examples of e-business and e-government that document the status and development of the transformation in business and administration and reveal the successes and difficulties of the new organizational form. Graphics and tables increase the readability of the book.
The book is available to buy here, but only as a used book. It is sold out.
I have been publishing for over 20 years in the fields of information security, risk management, data protection, products and much more. From 2008-2010 I led the IDG Computerwoche Security Expert Council in editorial outsourcing for IDG. In 2010 I changed and published on our blog SecTank, the blog of the Nuremberg security trade fair IT-SA for the company Secumedia/KES in editorial outsourcing. Since 2011, Sectank has been an independent security magazine for vendors and manufacturers.
Our agencies are:
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SecTank, has become one of the few and well-read vendor and manufacturer magazines. You can find news, trends and many informative articles. SecTank has a digital English twin. Sectank has interfaces in Instagram and LinkedIn. SecTank has around 500,000 readers in D-A-CH. Advertising in the articles costs 300 euros and remains online for 2 years. Advertising on the main page costs 1500 euros per month. The annual fee for agencies and manufacturers is 900 euros and is a flat rate for as many customers they serve and as many articles they publish.
Other publications
There are about 300 different publications besides SecTank by Alexander Tsolkas in Germany, Europe, the Americas and Asia, in print and online. Whether n-tv, Focus, CIO Magazin, Lanline, Computerwoche, News, Wall Street, SWP, Kes, Cast Forum, Berlin, Enterprisecioforum, Futurezone, Pressebox, Dpa, Computerwelt, 7mobile, online costs, OSNews, Digital Kingdom, Monsterandcritics, Google, AutomotiveIT, Holistic Concepts, Infosec, Cyber investigators, Telokombuzz, JzBusinessworld, Okzone, Utusan, China Post, China Daily, Tiempodehoy, Freegentube, Myinfo, The last Guardian, Elsalvador, Buletinlepak, Amlalale, Gempaknya, Baka, Lulu-pages, Satuumat, Manmala, Gfft, or Experton, and in about 100 German daily newspapers. Here are just a few examples of publications besides SecTank.
- Interview on Cloud Security – Expertonale 2012
- CIO Magazin – Danger for Android smartphones – The apps as a gateway
- Listen to the radio interview on SWR3
- Article in the Penthouse – Cyber crooks – In the sights of the cyber crooks
- Article on – Electronic identity card: How online trade benefits
- Article in the Financial Times Deutschland – self-made rescue nets
- EDS security concept for the state of Baden-Württemberg (PDF)
- Article in the Financial Times Deutschland – Companies lack an overview when it comes to IT risks
- Certification of the global Schenker/Bahn safety officers
- Success Story: Schenker Logistics / PDF in English / PDF in Italian
- DIN ISO 27001 certification Schenker Poland / preparatory audit
- Press release: Schenker invests in worldwide IT security
- Lecture at the FH Hof: IT security trends in the near future (PDF)
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